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Register a connection to the OpenM++ Application Programming Interface (API). Currently, two different API connections "local" and "remote" are available. Note that "local" and "remote" describe where the API is running relative to the machine running the R session. For example, users logged into the cloud-hosted RStudio Server sessions will acceess the API running locally. Those who use a machine running on their local network may use a remote connection to connect with the cloud-based API.


use_OpenMpp_local(url = Sys.getenv("OPENMPP_LOCAL_URL"), ...)

  url = Sys.getenv("OPENMPP_REMOTE_URL"),
  user = Sys.getenv("OPENMPP_REMOTE_USER"),
  pwd = Sys.getenv("OPENMPP_REMOTE_PWD"),



URl for making API requests. See Details for more instructions.


Not currently used.


User name for logging into remote API. See Details for more instructions.


Password for logging into remote API. See Details for more instructions.


Nothing, invisibly. Behind-the-scenes, an instance of the OpenMppLocal or OpenMppRemote R6 classes are created. These objects should not be accessed directly by the user, instead, the package internally uses these connections to communicate with the OpenM++ API.


A user name and password (pwd) are sensitive information and should not be shared. To avoid hard-coding your user name and password into your R scripts, we recommend declaring this information in your global or project-specific .Renviron file. The same approach may be used to declare your URLs for making API requests. While these URLs are typically not sensitive information, keeping all of this information in one place makes sense for consistency. For local and remote API connections, set the following environment variables in your .Renviron files:

  • OPENMPP_LOCAL_URL: URL for a local API connection.

  • OPENMPP_REMOTE_URL: URL for a remote API connection.

  • OPENMPP_REMOTE_USER: User name for logging into a remote API connection.

  • OPENMPP_REMOTE_PWD: Password for logging into a remote API connection.